Sunday, March 29, 2009

Book Sale at Red Rose!

RRP is having a MC/IR sale March 30th and 31st. 
All MC/IR ebooks will be marked up to 50% off.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Red Rose Sale!!!

Check out "A slave of my own desire" - an erotic multi-cultural romance.

Book cover for "Safe Sex Incorporated"

This is the cover for "Safe Sex Incorporated". And I've just finished the line edits. Release date: 23 April 2009, only at Red Rose Publishing!

Now on Fictionwise!

"Danger, Word games!" is now on Fictionwise, and it's only 79c! Go get it!

"A slave of my own desire", meanwhile, is doing great in terms of sales and reviews. Check it out here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cocktails with Eve Summers - find out about Eve Summers' latest trick with cocktails and why she's like to be like Clare from "A slave of my own desire"....

Yvonne Eve Walus writing as Eve Summers

He will force you to do EVERYTHING you've ever wanted to do.... 


"A Slave of My Own Desire" (Red Rose Publishing, October 2008)

Watch trailer

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New review for "Danger, Word Games!"

"Danger, Word Games! by Eve Summers delves into the psyche of a jaded and frustrated writer who is tired of empty promises and pickup lines and who wants honesty in her relationships for a change. ... amusing short story ..."

Check out the review on

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A fabulous review for "A slave of my own desire" by Eve Summers

"Eve Summers has managed to write a red-hot sexy romance story about two lonely people fueled with passion, hot sex and dirty talk A Slave of My Own Desire has you wanting to read this story from start to finish in one sitting. Eve’s erotic novella is a great short story, one that is well worth reading."

Buy Link:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eve Summers on the radio

Eve Summers will be talking about hooks (no, not the kinky kind - book hooks is the topic) on Blog Talk Radio today. Catch her on

The hook for "Danger, Word Games!" - Are you fed up with pretty words? Hurt by flattery and lies, the heroine of "Danger, Word Games" certainly is. What magic words can the hero offer to break the bad spell? "Danger, Word Games" - only 99c on