"This blog is about romantic places, memorable quotes, books, and movies."
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Super Review - Dance Like Everyone's Watching
Dance Like Everyone’s Watching
Review: A cute little romp with a couple of twists– Think Cinderella toiling all day, trying to support herself & her family, an ugly stepmother trying to trip up our heroine & foist blame onto her, a beautiful palace where Cinderella works, & a handsome prince trying to find the truth about his lady love... (read more)
Author: Eve Summers
Genre:Erotic Contemporary
Word Count: 9746
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Purchase Link:ISBN: 978-1-60435-782-0
Monday, November 8, 2010
DDR Spotlight: Safe Sex Incorporated by Eve Summers
Skyla is a PR officer for a 22nd century company that makes a special kind of condom: one that protects the user from the 21st century disease called love. In her world, love is an obscene word and a banned emotion. As with all prohibitions, the love prohibition has given rise to a pro-love group, a group whose actions may jeopardize Skyla’s dream of a promotion.
Jin is a school teacher – or is he something more? Skyla is instantly drawn to him and when they are together, she forgets about Love Condoms….