Thursday, June 27, 2013

Superior Sex Scenes - A Workshop by Eve Summers

  • Do you cringe every time your characters get to second base?
  • Do you enjoy reading sex scenes but loathe writing them?
  • Would you like to take your writing to the next level?

Then this workshop is for you.

For more information, please click here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion is a book you will read at one sitting. Even if you start it at 10PM, you will read it at one sitting, starting in the armchair, moving to the bathtub and ending up in bed, not once putting down the book until you've turned the very last page.

Is it a romance? Yes.
Is it humorous? Very.
Is it original? You have no idea.

I'll quickly sketch the setup, so you can rush out and buy the book. Figuratively speaking, of course. I know you'll probably just click your Kindle button.

The protagonist, an undiagnosed Asperger's and a professor of genetics, is embarking on a project: Find A Wife. She should:
  • be a great cook
  • drink moderately
  • eat everything, including offal
  • not wear makeup
  • or jewellery.
With a premise like that, you just know he's going to get the complete opposite, don' t you?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

5 Romantic Holidays

Everybody's romantic holiday looks a little different. Here are my top five picks:
  1. Any Greek island, like Naxos or Santorini.
  2. A luxurious resort in Fiji (check out my book, FIJI ON FIRE, FIJI ON ICE).
  3. A luxurious resort in Tahiti (check out my book, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS).
  4. A week at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town (book coming out next year).
  5. A cruise - as long as the water is flat (check out my Cruise Liner Books, DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING and ELEVATOR WITH A VIEW and CHRISTMAS HOPE).