Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Contest - Eve Summers

The first 5 people to email me the hair colour of the heroine in "Dance Like Everyone's Watching" (by Eve Summers, Red Rose Publishing) will receive a Red Rose e-book of their choice.

Please send your answers to yve at xtra dot co dot nz with the subject line "Dance Like Everyone's Watching Competition".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Speculative Sky" from Red Rose Publishing

Today I'm interviewing a fellow Red Rose Publishing author, Clare Dargin, whose "Speculative Sky" is an out-of-this-world romance.

Clare: Hi Eve, thanks for inviting me to your blog!

Eve: Lovely to have you here. Please tell us about your Red Rose book.

Clare: Well, "Speculative Sky" is about one woman’s quest to be the first to discover life on another planet. And as a radio astronomer it is within her grasp, however the company she work’s for is not so keen on the idea themselves. But in spite of their warnings she pushes ahead and the drama ensues from their.
Eve: That's so cool! What makes you write Speculative Romance?

Clare: I love science fiction. I am totally addicted to it. And romance, I’m a sucker for it. And so it was natural for me to put the two together and have total enjoyment when I write. :)
Eve: SF often attracts a male audience, while Romance is dominated by females. Who are your readers?

Clare: You know that is very good point. And growing up, I always felt out of place at the scifi conventions and comic book conventions because outside of my two best friends who used to accompany me, I was like the only girl there. So often I would go home and think, am I the only girl who likes to read this stuff?

But I know that is not true as evident from the audiences of scifi movies, fandoms from t.v. shows- we gals love a good scifi story too! It’s just the genre has been identified predominately with males and so the authors and the storylines that they wrote were often skewed toward their interests.

Sometimes we got lucky when those interests overlapped with ours but often times it didn’t meld with some of the issues and storylines that could either attract female audiences or at least be attractive to both.

I hope that my audiences are male and female because I try to balance my stories where it feeds both genders’ desire to be entertained. Does that make sense?
Eve: Absolutely! You're talking to a fellow girl who loves SF! So what books or authors do you enjoy reading?

Clare: I enjoy reading a variety of books. Right now I’m into urban fantasy and the like. What can I say I’m a pop culture girl so I’m reading books by Alan Dean Foster, along with catching up on my Star Wars addiction. And when I’m not reading for school...I also read non-fiction books about military history, espionage, politics and social commentary.

Eve: Why do you love being a Red Rose author?

Clare: I love Red Rose because they really care. I love their style editing, I love the rapport they have with their authors and the glitzy yet professional style of the company and I love Roses. So what I can I say? A perfect fit!

Eve: Hear, hear! Clare can be found online by clicking on the following:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Whipped Cream Reviews

I'm tickled pink to see how much Whipped Cream Reviewers like the Eve Summers books. Have a look at these reviews:
Here's hoping for more!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Upgrade by Eve Summers

I always love knowing who buys my books. And the best way to judge the buyer is by the kind of OTHER books they buy. So.... People who bought "The Upgrade" by Eve Summers also bought:

Friday, September 3, 2010

SALE Sixth September 2010

All Red Rose Publishing books released prior to 2010 are discounted on USA Labor Day!
  • 50% off e-books
  • 20% off off print books
Check out the hot titles by Eve Summers!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


(by Franny Armstrong-ParaNovelGirl)

Enter now and win a gift basket AND have your name in the credits of the book!