Friday, November 1, 2013

She wants to be in the top 5....

Yvonne Walus would like to see OPERATION: GENOCIDE on the Stairway Press bestseller list in November. Buy OPERATION: GENOCIDE between now and the end of November 2013 and:
  • e-mail her on with the title "Bought OPERATION: GENOCIDE" to get a free copy of her collection of murder mystery stories, SHORT OF CRIME;
  • she will also send you a free copy of her SF collection, SEX LIES AND HERE BE DRAGONS;
  • and she will send you a $5 Amazon gift voucher;
  • if the sales reach 100 she will send one lucky reader a $100 Amazon voucher.
If you buy more than one copy (OPERATION: GENOCIDE makes a great Christmas present), your name will be entered in the $100 draw for every copy you purchase. And of course you will receive a $5 Amazon voucher for every copy you buy.

This offer is valid for the paperback version as well as the Kindle version. If you do the math:
  • the Kindle copy of OPERATION: GENOCIDE is $7.95
  • the two free books you'll get add up to $1.98
  • and you get a $5 gift voucher
  • so OPERATION: GENOCIDE will only cost you 97 cents in Kindle.
If you buy the paperback, which is only $14.84, it'll actually only cost you $7.86 - less than the Kindle version.

Makes sense, doesn't it? Oh, the link is here.

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