Friday, November 29, 2013

Light Christmas Reads

Christmas is three and a half weeks away. If you're after some lightweight reads, I'd recommend the latest Bridger Jones, "Mad about the boy". Bridget is her usual self-obsessed, obsessive self. Not to be taken seriously - the heroine nor the book.

Nick Hornby's "How to be good" also falls in the category of good holiday reads, although it's much more solid reading.

And there is always Jane Porter's "Mrs. Perfect". Perfect for this time of the year, to remind us all what's truly important.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Midnight in Paris

An unusual love story. Or perhaps a usual love story, boy meets girl, in an unusual context? Midnight in Paris is a light-weight art movie with a super-light science fiction plot, but the end result is beautiful and memorable.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Releases in Romance

Heads up: Jane Beckenham’s new book is coming out soon. Watch out for: THE HIGHWAYMAN'S BRIDE - Scandalous/Entangled Publishing.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sophie Kinsella’s Wedding Night

Sophie Kinsella’s latest book, Wedding Night, may not be quite up to the high standards set by Madeleine Wickham (the author’s real name under which she writes about intelligent heroines with sometimes questionable morals), but it’s still a chick-lit book that’s worth reading. Quick and easy and deliciously enjoyable, it’s like an indulgent chocolate praline after a kale salad with mung beans and tofu.

The story follows two sisters, Fliss and Lottie, on their way to a happily-ever-after. Lottie is the slightly ditzy one who wants to get married – and if the boyfriend of the last few years won’t take the hint, she’ll settle for her 15-years-ago-summer-fling who comes back to her life. Fliss is the bitter divorced one who desperately wants to prevent her younger sister from the perils of an inappropriate marriage.

If the plot sounds a bit meh at this point, rest assured you’re in good hands. The author’s writing skill would make even the action of watching paint dry fun and amusing and highly desirable (a bit like Tom Sawyer and his fence-painting chore). So sit back, enjoy the sunshine of a fictional Greek island, and ponder on the wisdom of every going back to a place where you were once young and happy. And just before you get too nostalgic and philosophical, enjoy the non-sugary happy ending.

Friday, November 1, 2013

She wants to be in the top 5....

Yvonne Walus would like to see OPERATION: GENOCIDE on the Stairway Press bestseller list in November. Buy OPERATION: GENOCIDE between now and the end of November 2013 and:
  • e-mail her on with the title "Bought OPERATION: GENOCIDE" to get a free copy of her collection of murder mystery stories, SHORT OF CRIME;
  • she will also send you a free copy of her SF collection, SEX LIES AND HERE BE DRAGONS;
  • and she will send you a $5 Amazon gift voucher;
  • if the sales reach 100 she will send one lucky reader a $100 Amazon voucher.
If you buy more than one copy (OPERATION: GENOCIDE makes a great Christmas present), your name will be entered in the $100 draw for every copy you purchase. And of course you will receive a $5 Amazon voucher for every copy you buy.

This offer is valid for the paperback version as well as the Kindle version. If you do the math:
  • the Kindle copy of OPERATION: GENOCIDE is $7.95
  • the two free books you'll get add up to $1.98
  • and you get a $5 gift voucher
  • so OPERATION: GENOCIDE will only cost you 97 cents in Kindle.
If you buy the paperback, which is only $14.84, it'll actually only cost you $7.86 - less than the Kindle version.

Makes sense, doesn't it? Oh, the link is here.